Consider all sides.
Concludes with a solution
A call to your heart.
Don't agree to disagree
Who are you working for?
Who are you? Where did you come from? What are you here to do?
The concept is simple. By learning to play a game, men and women must use both sides of their brains to create a level playing field for effective communication.
Black and white, ogic and reason meet the color of expression.
The Rules create the boundary to prevent each player from hurting the other. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
What do you do?
The Pieces give you the answer.
Trust issues? Not anymore, once you learn how to recognize your player. The Five Gates walk you through the layers of your player to identify honor and integrity so you can know who to trust and how to become trust worthy.
There's no denying the value of the education.
It's all about love all of the time. Why? Because love covers everything under the sun.
If you are a fan, this is the place to be.
“In The Game, Merrilee opens the way to the recovery of love for oneself and for others. She offers valuable insights to anyone on a journey of self-healing and seeking to know and experience the real meaning of love... will definitely make you question how you live your life and challenge you to make changes. It will be the most mentally and emotionally invigorating book you will ever read and game you will ever play.”
Jim Britt, author of Rings of Truth
The Game- “A strong case for expanding our thinking with a painfully simple answer...”
John LaCasse, Ph.D., author of Deals Danger Destiny
Princess Merrilee of Solana and her groundbreaking book, subtitled Winning by Virtue One Move at A Time, has been lauded as the best emotional intelligence book ever written.
-Barbara Kindness, editorial review
I love your book "The Game" so much. It's so enlightening, empowering, and inspirational.
I think everyone starts out in this life wanting to be respected… and appreciated… Merrilee has found a practical way to show everyone how to do it.
This book is worthy of our attention. Merrilee, I totally trust and love you to pieces.
I cannot recommend Merrilee highly enough, she has truly changed my life for the better. After Speaking with her I feel empowered, centered, and inspired.
Princess Merrilee has written a beautiful work of art.
I can't properly put into words how blown away I am.
The book is a wealth of material.
History will judge this book among the best of the 21st century.
Merrilee has shown me new ways of thinking and rules about the game of life that has already within just meeting her changed my life.
Merrilee offers valuable insights to anyone on a journey of self-healing and seeking to know and experience the real meaning of love.
I will read it over and over for the rest of my life.
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.
If you're ready to know God, The Game offers a clear, undeniable formula for love.